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代做Assessment 2: Individual Learning ePortfolio, one-page mind map帮做Python语言程序

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Assessment 2: Individual Learning ePortfolio, one-page mind map

This assessment forms 10% of the overall module grade.

Submission date: Wed, 9th Oct, by 4pm, via SurreyLearn


§ This assignment aims you to develop a learning portfolio that reflects on your learning during the module, with an emphasis on the learning process and the learning outcome.


§ You will produce a one-page mind map of your own learning and expand this to illustrate how it will be applied in the workplace in your future career. The mind map must concentrate on:

o content of learning (i.e., the meaning for you of what you have learnt),

o any transformation in viewpoints and/or attitude towards companies, the industry, policy, etc. experienced throughout the week, and why (not),

o processes of learning (i.e., what worked best to facilitate your own learning and why, how can you improve your own learning the future, e.g., time management, engagement with module), and

o a critical reflection on the module (i.e., how the module can be improved and why, new ideas to contribute to the subject of digital service design, etc.).

Specific requirements:

§ The mind map must be one-page

§ You are free to use any software to create the mind map, not necessarily Miro.

§ You will add images to the mind map which they have rights to use (don’t use any copyrighted resources without permission)

§ Be reflective, not descriptive.

§ It should be mostly visual, with bullet points – it is not a report – so be concise, showing interlinks between concepts/reflections/ideas.

§ Be critical with yourself and the module but constructive.

§ Please refer to the marking rubric before your submission.

Marking Strategy

A detailed marking scheme is provided to you during your first lecture together with the assessment details. This allows you to clearly identify what is expected of your work. The marking scheme outlines the percentage figures for each assessment component. This is also essential for markers of the report as it allows for consistency in the marking process.

Criteria Weighting


90 - 100


70 - 79


to Outstanding

80 - 89



50 - 59


to Good

60 - 69



Well below expectations

30 - 39


 to Below Expectations

40 - 49



Far to very far below expectations

0 - 29

Presentation (30%)

Catchy, clever, and original presentation, visually communicating the topic.


The different concepts are well interlinked


Mostly catchy, clever and original presentation, visually communicating the topic, with few flaws.


Most concepts are well interlinked


The presentation is catchy, original enough to get the reader through it without too much confusion

Some links are unclear or vague

The presentation is somewhat catchy and/or little original, providing a vague to very vague purpose.


Most links are unclear or vague; some lack of linkages

The presentation lacks a sense of direction, failing to visually communicate the topic.


Links are generally vague to too vague; show inconsistent relationships or lack of linkages



Content (50%)

Clear and focused content (both images and words), holding the reader’s attention


Correct grammar is used

Mostly clear and focused content (both images and words), holding the reader’s attention


Correct grammar is used

The content (either images or words) is developed to a general level, leaving the reader with questions


Minor grammar mistakes


The content (both images and words) lacks relevant concepts, leaving the reader with many questions


Occasionally incorrect grammar

The content (both images and words) miss most concepts, leaving the reader unable to understand the full picture


Poor grammar is used


Concision (20%)

The words chosen are efficient and concise.


All statements are relevant.


Expressed ideas can be easily understood.

The words chosen are to some extent concise.


Some irrelevant statements are included.


Slight lack of clarity in the ideas.


Slightly wordy.


Several irrelevant statements are included.


Few ideas are difficult to understand.

Wordy; the words chosen are excessive or redundant.


Many irrelevant statements are included.


Some ideas are difficult to understand.

Overly wordy; the words chosen are excessive and redundant.


Irrelevant statements. Redundant statements.


It is very hard to follow the ideas expressed.





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