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代写MGT204 Corporate Finance & Portfolio Valuation帮做Python语言程序

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MGT204 Corporate Finance &Portfolio Valuation

Individual assignment

Weighting-100%of the marks for this module

This is an individual assignment of 2,500 words for guidance purposes.

The hand in date is: Tuesday 20th May 2025 by 4.00pm UK time.


Students are required to select ONE of the two possible questions contained within the assessment.Each question carries a maximum mark of 100 marks.

The assignment has been designed to cover the following learning outcomes associated with successful completion of the module:

LO1: Compare and contrast a range of theoretical models that underpin corporate finance and portfolio valuation decision-making.

LO2: Apply,analyse,and interpret how financial data influences financial decision-making.

LO3: Critically reflect upon how financial decision-making tools and techniques impact upon the value of a portfolio.

Part A

You have recently obtained employment within the investment analysis team at Fleetwood PLC,a financial advisory firm that makes regular investments in several FTSE350 companies'ordinary shares that are listed on the London  Stock Exchange (LSE).Initially, you have been provided with f1 million worth of company funds to invest over a 12-week timeframe. As part of the initial investment portfolio,you are required to select  five FTSE350London Stock Exchange listed companies and invest the funds equally within their ordinary shares.Furthermore,on a minimum of three separate occasions within the 12-week timeframe you have been asked to sell one of the investments and to reinvest the funds in a differing company that you have chosen.


Provide a report to the Board of Directors of Fleetwood PLC that offers critical reflection and analysis of the decision-making process regarding the investments undertaken across the 12-week timeframe.

In this section students should critically analyse and reflect upon the various decisions taken regarding  the  investments  made  across the twelve-week  timeframe.The decision-making process must be underpinned by relevant themes and concepts that are prevalent within the field of corporate finance and are covered within the modular content.The introductory section of the report should provide a clear,robust rationale that clearly justifies and evaluates why the selected companies were chosen as part of the initial portfolio.Upon removing and adding to the portfolio the student should offer clear justification for  the choices undertaken and support this with relevant financial information,analysis and evaluation that draws upon a range ofcorporate finance topics.Upon adding a share to the portfolio,it must be retained within the portfolio for a minimum one-week duration.It would be expected that the report would incorporate a range of charts,tables,and screenshots of portfolio performance to visually enhance the quality of the work submitted. Within the recommendation/conclusion section students should clearly identify and reflect upon the decisions undertaken and elaborate upon what they have learnt across the duration of the portfolio-based exercise.Students will not gain further marks based upon the portfolio performance, rather they should reflect upon the decisions undertaken during the simulated exercise.

Total  for  Part  A-100  marks

Part B

You have recently joined the investment team as a financial analyst at Patterson PLC,a financial advisory firm based within the City of London.As part of the initial duties you have been asked by the Board of Directors to investigate the five-year performance of ONE of the following FTSE100 listed companies provided below with the view to potentially investing future company funds into the chosen company:

i.    BP PLC.

ii.    Tesco PLC.

iii.     Marks &Spencer Group PLC.

iv.    Astrazeneca PLC.

v.    Rio Tinto PLC.

vi.       Sainsburys PLC.

vii.  BAE Systems PLC.

vii.    Next PLC.

ix.    National Grid PLC.

x.    BT Group PLC.

xi.    Sage Group PLC.

xii.    JD Sports Fashion PLC.


Select any ONE of the above companies and prepare a report for the Board of Directors of Patterson PLC analysing and evaluating the five-year performance of the chosen company.

In this section students should demonstrate both knowledge and understanding ofa range of topics,theories,and concepts covered within the MGT204 Corporate Finance &Portolio Valuation module.A report format should be utilized that offers clear,concise analysis, resulting in the production of robust recommendations.You should choose to analyse  approximately 3 topics from the syllabus including the key performance indicator ofshare price analysis/fluctuations/key events.Further topics and concepts that can be considered for inclusion within the report include evolution of corporate governance policies,financing strategies,investment strategies,capital structure alterations,dividend poltcies,financial ratio analysis and merger and acqutsition activities.This is not an exhaustive list and students should be prepared to investigate other key aspects from the module if they feel necessary. It is imperative you choose one of the above companies as listed within the above.

Total for Part B-100 marks

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