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代写FIL2201 Introduction to Film Criticism 2025代做留学生SQL语言

项目预算:   开发周期:  发布时间:   要求地区:


January 2025

Module Code


Module Title

Introduction to Film Criticism

Coursework Structure

Critical Film Analysis

Assignment Weighting


Assignment Title

Assignment 1 - SWAY/CANVA Presentation: Critical Film Analysis

Coursework Submission Deadline

Week 13

Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:

List the Outcomes Mapped in Module Guide and Table of Specification

•  be able to demonstrate abroad knowledge and understanding of key aesthetic and cultural momentsin the study of the moving image

•  be able to articulate some of the ways in which the technology of the moving image contributes to meaning

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:

List the Outcomes Mapped in Module Guide and Table of Specification

•  be able to demonstrate abroad critical engagement with at least three moving imagetextson an aesthetic, formal and symbolic level

•  be able to demonstrate abroad critical engagement with some of the basic technical vocabulary ofmoving image analysis

•  be able to demonstrate an ability to support their interpretative and evaluative analysis of the movingimage with basic theories and key concepts in the study of the moving image

General Coursework Rules

•    Written Assignment must be submitted online through SafeAssign (or other plagiarism checker) via Blackboard for originality check.

•    Oral Presentation must be recorded and securely uploaded to YouTube (or other online video  platform) for moderation purpose. The private link to video must be given to the lecturer during submission.

•    Assignment  submitted  after  the  deadline  will  be  subject  to  a  penalty.  Please  refer  to  the  guidelines  on Coursework Submission that can be found in the INTI-UH Student Guidebook.

•    Suspected academic misconduct will be handled according to the Policies and Procedures for Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct that can be found in the INTI-UH Student Guidebook.

Assignment Brief

Using Microsoft's SWAY application, or Canva this assignment requires students to research and present amedia-rich presentation on a film of their choice from across the module, analysing moments from the film from the perspective of at least one of the topics from topic 2-6 in the academic calendar of the semester.

Your SWAY must be made up of maximum 14 slides (not including a TITLE OR A FINAL slide which includes your references and bibliography) that offers images, videos, written text or recorded audio

narration that textually analyses chosen moments from your selected film. Students must also include a minimum of two relevant quotes from suitable academic readings and applythese to the chosen topic/or chosen film. These must be presented in HARVARD style.

You will receive a workshop on how to use SWAY or Canva in the beginning of the semester of the module. This assignment is worth 40% of the overall module mark.

Key Grading Criteria:

•     Students should provide a SWAY presentation with 14 slides containing images, videos, and textual analysis/descriptions of a chosen film from those set across the module.

•     Students should demonstrate a basic understanding of at least one of the film studies topics covered from Week 1-6 in their SWAY submission.

•     Students should offer close textual analysis of their chosen film, image(s)/video clips, topic of interest which includes textual description, interpretation and evaluation.

•     Students should make use of at least two academic references in their presentation, using Harvard referencing style.

•     Good communication and effective use of imagery, written text, audio/visual materials.

For the content of SWAY or Canva, students may choose to write about many stylistic and aesthetic elements in the piece or concentrate on one or two. For example, you may discuss the arrangements of the shots, position and gestures of the performers, camera movement, setting, decor, costume, sound, music, or lighting. Do not merely point something out: writing that 'the film cuts' or 'the camera moves left' is not adequate. You must explain the significance of these features and the way they relate to each other.

For example: the gestures of the performer will be shot from a certain perspective and distance, it may follow an important edit or something on the soundtrack; a different perspective or a different soundtrack will mean that the gesture expresses a different meaning. You may mention other areas of the film - indeed this maybe necessary for understanding the sequence - but do not dwell on these other areas.

The techniques and skills needed for this study will be those developed in the lectures, so by the time this assessment takes place, you should have suitable experience.

Films for selection (within week 2-6):

1.   Carol (Todd Haynes, 2015)

2.   No Country for Old Man (Ethan Coen & Joel Coen, 2007)

3.   The Royal Tenenbaums (Anderson, 2001)

4.   Carrie (Brian De Palma, 1976)

5.   Babel (Alejandro González Iñárritu,2006)

Here are some guidance to SWAY application:

1. Getting Started with SWAY: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/getting-started-with-sway- 2076c468-63f4-4a89-ae5f-424796714a8a

Other Specific Instructions for this Assignment

NO changes are allowed to the SWAY or Canva presentation after the submission deadline!

Assignment delivery:

1.   UH cover page

2.   A SWAY URL (in Word document with INTI Assignment Cover Page - compulsory) and

3.   A PDF file of SWAY (you may edit Sway content to fit the PDF A4 page but must be easy to read) content of the assignment uploaded to Canvas via Turnitin.

4.   Script. for video produced/audio recording in PDF format. [optional]

Penalties for late submission

(i)     First-sit coursework submitted up to one week after the published deadline should be capped at the pass grade, and thereafter awarded a grade of zero;

(ii)    Deferred coursework submitted up to one week after the published deadline should also be capped at the pass grade, and thereafter awarded a grade of zero;

(iii)   Referred coursework submitted after the published deadline should be awarded a grade of zero unless an extension has been granted.

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