TCM2301 Biochemistry
JUL 2024
This is a graded small group assignment to measure students’ attainment of:
CLO2: Apply the key fundamentals of biochemistry in explaining the changes in the cellular function and major macromolecule metabolisms. (C3, PLO2)
1. Form. a small group of 4-5 students.
2. Refer to the diagram below and answer the questions based on the concepts of membrane transport system.
1. Submission form. PDF (wrong format 10% mark deduction)
2. Filename: TCM2301_Assignment 1_John (Name of Head of group)
3. Word limit is 800 excluding references (excess word is subjected to 10% mark deduction)
4. Reference: Maximum 5 (no Wikipedia) (Any reference style is accepted provided that the reference section maintains consistency; in-text reference is optional)
5. Plagiarism: between 30-50% similarities - 50% deduction of mark: >50 % similarities - no mark is given (exclude reference)
6. Use the assignment cover page to include the names of the members
7. This is a group work so please make sure to communicate with your group members that everyone in the group has agreed to the content and quality of the submitted assignment.
8. Late submission: No mark
Assignment questions:
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of dialysis machine.
Q1. Explain how dialysis is similar to diffusion.
Q1. Explain how dialysis is similar to osmosis.
Q3. Explain how dialysis machine can remove urea from the blood.
Integration of knowledge in the
Excellent integration
Moderate integration
Poor integration of
relevant discipline to address the
of knowledge in
of knowledge in
knowledge in
issues 40%
responding the issue
responding the issue
responding the issue
Information delivery & depth 30%
Logical Structure
Good structure and minor flaw
Adequate structure and planning
Lacking in structure
and no adequate
Grammar/Spelling 10%
No mistake
Minor mistake
Major mistake