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讲解CSSE2002/7023-Assignment 1讲解留学生Java语言

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School of ITEE
CSSE2002/7023 — Semester 1, 2020
Assignment 1
Due: 9 April 2020 17:00
Revision: 1.0.1
The goal of this assignment is to implement and test a set of classes and interfaces1 to be used
in the second assignment. You must implement the public and protected members exactly as
described in the supplied documentation (no extra public/protected members or classes). Private
members may be added at your own discretion.
Language requirements: Java version 13, JUnit 4
All work on this assignment is to be your own individual work. As detailed in Lecture 1, code
supplied by course staff (from this semester) is acceptable, but there are no other exceptions. You
are expected to be familiar with “What not to do” from Lecture 1 and https://www.itee.uq.
edu.au/itee-student-misconduct-including-plagiarism. If you have questions about what
is acceptable, please ask course staff.
In this assignment, and continuing into the second assignment, you will build a simple simulation
of a traffic management system (TMS). The first assignment will focus on implementing the classes
that provide the core model for the system. A traffic management system monitors traffic flow in
a region and adjusts traffic signals to optimise traffic flow. A TMS uses different types of sensors
and signals to monitor and manage traffic flow.
Two sensors used by a TMS are pressure pads and speed cameras. Pressure pads give an
indication of how many vehicles are waiting at a location (e.g. at an intersection). Speed cameras
determine the speed of vehicles passing the camera. These sensors have some on-board processing
capability to provide some determination about traffic congestion at their location. They can also
report the raw data that they collect.
Two signals used by a TMS are traffic lights and speed limit signs. Traffic lights are positioned
at intersections and the duration of the red and green lights can be adjusted by the TMS. Speed
limit signs are LED displays that can be changed to set different speed limits to manage traffic
congestion. For example, if one section of a road is congested, you could lower the speed limit
in the previous sections of the road so that less traffic arrives at the congested area per minute.
These signals have some on-board processing capability to provide a simple management interface,
as well as the ability to set their specific parameters.
A TMS needs to maintain a network of routes. Each route is a road that is being monitored
and/or managed by the TMS. The TMS needs to know the intersections of different routes. It also
needs to know what sensors and signals are on the route. The TMS gathers data from the sensors
to determine how traffic is flowing and then adjusts signals to optimise traffic flow.
When implementing the assignment you need to remember that it is implementing a simulation
of the TMS and not the real TMS. Interfaces are provided for the sensors to allow easy replacement
1From now on, classes and interfaces will be shortened to simply “classes”
of sensor implementations in the program. You will not be collecting data from real sensors but
will be implementing classes that demonstrate the behaviour of sensors. They store a set of data
values that are used to simulate the sensors returning different values over time. Signals are simple
simulations of real signals in that they only store the current state of the signal and allow the route
to update the signal.
To manage simulation of time, there is a TimedItem interface and a TimedItemManager class.
Sensors implement the TimedItem interface, as they are items which need to react to timed events.
TimedItemManager stores all the TimedItem objects in the application. It allows the application
(to be implemented in assignment two) to simulate time passing, via its oneSecond method. This
method sends the oneSecond message to all TimedItems.
TimedItemManager is an implementation of a design pattern2 called singleton3. The key idea is
that a singleton prevents you from creating more than one instance of the class. To ensure this hap-
pens, the TimedItemManager’s constructor is private and the getTimedItemManager method re-
turns a reference to the only TimedItemManager instance. (The first time the getTimedItemManager
method is invoked it creates the single TimedItemManager instance.) The registerTimedItem
method allows you to add TimedItem objects to the manager.
Supplied Material
• This task sheet.
• Code specification document (Javadoc).4
• A subversion repositiory for submitting your assignment called ass1.5
• Two files (JdkTest and SimpleDisplay) are provided in your subversion repository. JdkTest
executes a test to ensure that you are using Java 13 to build and run your assignment.
SimpleDisplay is a simple user interface for the assignment. If you wish to use this interface
you will need to uncomment some code and add the creation of your traffic network. Any
code you write in SimpleDisplay will not be marked. As the first step in the assignment you
should checkout the ass1 repository from Subversion. Once you have created a new project
from the repository you have checked out, you should run the JdkTest to ensure you have
correctly set up the project to use Java 13.
Code specifications are an important tool for developing code in collaboration with other people.
Although assignments in this course are individual, they still aim to prepare you for writing code
to a strict specification by providing a specification document (in Java, this is called Javadoc). You
will need to implement the specification precisely as it is described in the specification document.
The Javadoc can be viewed in either of the two following ways:
1. Open https://csse2002.uqcloud.net/assignment/1/ in your web browser. Note that this
will only be the most recent version of the Javadoc.
2. Navigate to the relevant assignment folder under Assessment on Blackboard and you will be
able to download the Javadoc .zip file containing html documentation. Unzip the bundle
somewhere, and open doc/index.html with your web browser.
2https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns provides a simple overview of the concept of design patterns.
Follow on courses will explore design patterns in detail.
3https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/singleton provides a reasonably detailed description of the sin-
gleton pattern.
4Detailed in the Javadoc section
5Detailed in the Submission section
1. Fully implement each of the classes described in the Javadoc.
2. Write JUnit 4 tests for all the methods in the following classes:
• DemoPressurePad (in a class called DemoPressurePadTest)
• Intersection (in a class called IntersectionTest)
The 100 marks available for the assignment will be divided as follows:
Symbol Marks Marked Description
F 50 Electronically Functionality according to the specification
R 35 Course staff Code review ( Style and Design )
J 15 Electronically Whether JUnit tests identify and distinguish between correct and
incorrect implementations
The overall assignment mark will be A1 = F +R+ J with the following adjustments:
1. If F < 5, then R = 0 and code style will not be marked.
2. If R > F , then R = F .
For example: F = 22, R = 25, J = 17⇒ A1 = 22 + 22 + 17.
The reasoning here is to place emphasis on good quality functional code. Well styled code that
does not implement the required functionality is of no value in a project, consequently marks will
not be give to well styled code that is not functional.
Functionality Marking
The number of functionality marks given will be
F =
Tests passed
Total number of tests
· 50
Each of your classes will be tested independently of the rest of your submission. Other required
classes for the tests will be copied from a working version of the assignment.
Code Review
Your assignment will be style marked with respect to the course style guide, located under
Learning Resources > Guides. The marks are broadly divided as follows:
Naming 7
Commenting 8
Structure and Layout 13
Good Object-Oriented Practices 7
Note that style marking does involve some aesthetic judgement (and the marker’s aesthetic judge-
ment is final).
JUnit Test Marking
The JUnit tests that you provide in DemoPressurePadTest and IntersectionTest will be used
to test both correct and incorrect implementations of the DemoPressurePad and Intersection
classes. Marks will be awarded for test sets which distinguish between correct and incorrect imple-
mentations6. A test class which passes every implementation (or fails every implementation) will
likely get a low mark. Marks will be rewarded for tests which pass or fail correctly.
There will be some limitations on your tests:
1. If your tests take more than 20 seconds to run, or
2. If your tests consume more memory than is reasonable or are otherwise malicious,
then your tests will be stopped and a mark of zero given. These limits are very generous (e.g. your
tests should not take anywhere near 20 seconds to run).
Electronic Marking
The electronic aspects of the marking will be carried out in a linux environment. The environment
will not be running Windows, and neither IntelliJ nor Eclipse (or any other IDE) will be involved.
OpenJDK 13 will be used to compile and execute your code and tests.
It is critical that your code compiles. If one of your classes does not compile, you will recieve
zero for any electronically derived marks for that class.
Submission is via your subversion repository. You must ensure that you have committed your code
to your subversion repository before the submission deadline. Code that is submitted after the
deadline will not be marked. Details of how to commit code to your repository are described in
the SVN Guides on Blackboard. Your repository url is:
https://source.eait.uq.edu.au/svn/csse2002-s???????/trunk/ass1 —CSSE2002 students
https://source.eait.uq.edu.au/svn/csse7023-s???????/trunk/ass1 —CSSE7023 students
Your submission should have the following internal structure:
src/ folders (packages) and .java files for classes described in the Javadoc
test/ folders (packages) and .java files for the JUnit test classes
A complete submission would look like:
6And get them the right way around
Ensure that your assignments correctly declare the package they are within. For example, DemoPressurePad.java
should declare package tms.sensors.
Do not submit any other files (e.g. no .class files). Note that DemoPressurePadTest and
IntersectionTest will be compiled without the rest of your files.
Prechecks will be performed on your assignment repository multiple times before the assignment
is due. They will assess whether your folders and files are in the correct structure and whether
your public interface aligns with the expected public interface. Successfully passing a precheck
does not guarantee any marks. No functionality or style is assessed.
Precheck #1: Approximately 5pm on the 25/03
Precheck #2: Approximately 5pm on the 30/03
Precheck #3: Approximately 5pm on the 02/04
Precheck #4: Approximately 5pm on the 06/04
Please endeavour to have code written and in your repository before at least one of these prechecks
in order to make the most of them. No additional prechecks will be run for people who did not
start the assignment in time, or who neglected to commit their code to their repository. Prechecks
are valid only for currently released version of the Javadoc, if an update is made it may invalidate
the precheck results.
Late Submission
Assignments submitted after the submission deadline of 17:00 on April 9, will recieve a mark of
zero unless an extension is granted as outlined in the ECP — see the ECP for details.
Do not wait until the last minute to commit the final version of your assignment. A commit
that starts before 17:00 but finishes after 17:00 will not be marked.
Remark Requests
To submit a remark of this assignment please follow the information presented here:
If it becomes necessary to correct or clarify the task sheet or Javadoc, a new version will be issued
and an announcement will be made on the Blackboard course site.

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