IRDM Course Project Part I
IRDM 2020
January 29, 2020
Omer Kirnap,
Sahan Bulathwela,
1 Task Definition
An information retrieval model is an essential component for many applications (e.g. search,
question answering and recommendation). Your task in this project is to develop an infor-
mation retrieval model that solves the problem of passage retrieval, i.e., a model that can
effectively and efficiently return a ranked list of short texts (i.e. passages) relevant to a given
This is an individual project, so everyone is expected to submit their own project. This
is the first part of a larger project, which consists of two components. In the second part of
the project, we will be building upon this first part and will be working on building more
advanced retrieval models.
In this part of the assignment, our final goal is to build a passage re-ranking system:
Given a candidate list of passages to a query (that have already been retrieved using some
initial retrieval model that we have developed), re-rank these candidate passages using the
retrieval models specified in the assignment.
2 Data
The dataset you will be using is available through this url. Our dataset consists of 3 files:
• test-queries.tsv is a tab separated file, where each row contains a query ID (qid) and
the query (i.e., query text).
• passage_collection.txt contains passages in our collection where each row is a passage.
• candidate_passages_top1000.tsv is a tab separated file, containing initial rankings that
contain 1000 passages for each of the given queries in file test-queries.tsv. The format
of this file is , where qid is the query ID, pid is the ID of
the passage retrieved, query is the query text and passage is the passage text, all tab
separated. Figure 1 shows some sample rows from the file.
IRDM Course Project Part I
IRDM 2020
January 29, 2020
Figure 1: Sample rows from candidate_passages_top1000.tsv file
3 Subtasks
The course project involves several subtasks that are required to be solved. The four subtasks
of this project are described below.
1. Literature Review (30 marks). Do a literature review regarding information retrieval
models used for passage ranking task. In particular, you should identify pros and cons
of existing retrieval models and provide critical analysis. Explain what you think the
drawback of each of these models are (if any), and how they could be improved.
2. Text Statistics (20 marks). Perform any type of pre-processing on the collection as
you think is required. Implement a function that counts the frequency of terms from
the provided dataset, plot the distribution of term frequencies and verify if they follow
Zipf’s law. Report the values of the parameters for Zipf’s law for this collection. You
need to use the full collection (file named passage_collection.txt) for this question.
Generate a plot that shows how the results you get using the model based on Zipf’s
law compare with the values you get from the actual collection.
3. Inverted Index (20 marks). Build an inverted index for the collection so that you can
retrieve passages from the initial set of candidate passages in an efficient way. To
implement an effective inverted index, you may consider storing additional information
such as term frequency and term position. Report what type of information you have
stored in your inverted index. Since your task in this project is to focus on re-ranking
candidate passages you were given for each query, you can generate a separate index
for each query by using the candidate list of passages you are provided with for each
query (using the file candidate_passages_top1000.tsv).
4. Basic Retrieval Models (30 marks). Extract the tf-idf vector representations of the
passages using the inverted index you have constructed. Implement the vector space
model and BM25 using your own implementation and retrieve 100 passages from within
the 1000 candidate passages for each query. For both the vector space model and BM25,
submit the 100 passages you have retrieved in sorted order (sorted in decreasing order
IRDM Course Project Part I
IRDM 2020
January 29, 2020
– passage with the top score should be at the top) for both models. Your marks in this
part will not depend on the accuracy of your results, but more on the correctness of
your implementation.
You should have one file per model (named VS.txt and BM25.txt, respectively), where
the format of the file is:
The width of columns in the format is not important, but it is important to have exactly
six columns per line with at least one space between the columns. In this format:
- The first column is the query number.
- The second column is currently unused and should always be “A1”, to refer to the
fact that this is your submission for Assignment 1.
- The third column is the passage identifier.
- The fourth column is the rank the passage/document is retrieved (starting from 1,
down to 100).
- The fifth column shows the score (integer or floating point) of the model that gen-
erated the ranking.
- The sixth column refers to the algorithm you used for retrieval (would either be VS
or BM25, depending on which model you used) .
4 Submission
You are expected to submit all the codes you have implemented for text pre-processing, Zipf’s
law, inverted index, and retrieval models. All the code should be your own and you are not
allowed to reuse any code that is available online. You are allowed to use both Python and
Java as the programming language.
You should also submit two files that contain the retrieval results of the vector space and
BM25 models, in the format that was described above.
You are also expected to submit a written report whose size should not exceed 6 pages,
including references. Your report should describe the work you have done for each of the
aforementioned steps. Specifically, your report should consist of the following:
1. Provide a literature review for Step (1) of the project.
IRDM Course Project Part I
IRDM 2020
January 29, 2020
2. Describe how you perform the text pre-processing and justify why text pre-processing
is required.
3. Explain how you implement Zipf’s law, provide a plot comparing your model with
the actual collection and report the values of the parameters for Zipf’s law for this
4. Explain how you implemented the inverted index, what information you have stored
and justify why you decided to store that information.
5. Describe how you implemented the vector space and BM25 models, and what parame-
ters you have used for BM25.
You are required to use the SIGIR 2020 style template for your report. You can either use
LaTeX or Word available from the ACM Website 1 (use the “sigconf” proceedings template).
Please do not change the template (e.g. reducing or increasing the font size, margins, etc.).
5 Deadline
The deadline for this part of the assignment is midnight on 23:55, February 24th. All the
material will be submitted via Moodle.